You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2023.

I am teaching Pilates Mat Classes at Steps on Broadway, on Mondays 12 noon–1pm, on 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25. Whether attending in-person or virtually, you must create an account at Steps and register online in advance. Click here for more information about setting up an account and registering.

Back in the studio working on new material for my “Globalization and Its Discontents” project which has received a grant from The Puffin Foundation. Aiming for performances in the spring.

March to End Fossil Fuels, Sunday September 17th, starting at 1 pm, at 56th Street and Broadway will be a major event and the more people who attend, the better. Over 500 organizations have committed to attending. Unaffiliated individuals are welcome. There also will be marches in other cities and countries, so if you are not in NYC there may be a march near you.

As a “mysterious silent figure in black” on Friday, September 22nd, near Penn Station, I will be joining “The Keepers,” a performance in support of a vision for Penn Station that preserves a vibrant neighborhood, including landmarks such as St. Francis of Assisi, Gimbel’s Bridge, and the Hotel Pennsylvania. The event will take place from sunrise to noon. I will be there in the latter part of the morning. More volunteers in various roles, photographers and videographers are welcome. For details, click here.